Anti-corruption and Freedom of Information Legislation
Photo Credit: Image by 1778011 from Pixabay
There are many initiatives set out in laws to combat corruption and which have direct relevance to infrastructure projects. For more detailed information, visit Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms
Set out below are links to websites explaining examples of anti-corruption and freedom of information legislation:
European Union - Criminal Law on Corruption South Africa - Prevention of Corrupt Activities Act 2004 International Agreements relating to Bribery of Foreign Officials Right2Info summary of laws in 95 countries on right to information USA – Freedom of Information Act, 1966, as amended through 2002 South Africa – Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000 Bulgaria - Access to Public Information Act, passed in 2000 Canada - British Columbia - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 1996 Equador - Organic Law on Transparency and Access to Information, 2004 (in Spanish) France - Decree No. 2005-1755 on Freedom of Access to Administrative Documents and the Reuse of Public Information, 2005 (in French) Honduras - Transparency and Access to Public Information Law (Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública), 2006 (Spanish) Indonesia - Public Information Disclosure Act, 2008 India - Right to Information Act, 2005 Ireland - Freedom of Information Act 1997, Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act, 2003 Jordan - Access to Information Law, 2007 Kenya - Constitution, 2010 Liberia - Freedom of Information Act, 2010 Niger - Law on Access to Public Information and Administrative Documents, 2011 (in French) Nigeria - Freedom of Information Law, 2011 Peru - Law on Transparency and Access to Public Information, 2002 (in Spanish); (in English, unofficial translation) Uganda - Access to Information Act, 2005 Uruguay - Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública, pased in 2008Anti-Corruption Legislation
Freedom of Information Legislation
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