

RailCorp Rolling Stock Public Private Partnership - Updated summary of contracts

This report summarises the main contracts, from a public sector perspective, for the Rolling Stock Public Private Partnership (PPP) project. The original (December 2006) version of this document was prepared by Rail Corporation New South Wales (“RailCorp”) in accordance with the public disclosure requirements of sections 3.7 and 7.1 of the New South Wales Government’s November 2001 Working with Government Guidelines for Privately Financed Projects, and its compliance with these requirements was assessed by the NSW Auditor-General prior to its tabling in Parliament.



Gender & Transport Projects

Integrating Gender Across the PPP Project Cycle

Multinational Development Banks (MDBs) as well as bilateral and national development banks and many other leading development organizations have a growing commitment to finance and support infrastructure projects and programs that incorporate gender considerations. They have developed a number of guidelines, practical tools, policies, and manuals that are based on best practice and aim to facilitate a gender-inclusive approach.

Urban Passenger Transport

As cities grow and traffic congestion increases, governments are looking increasingly for alternatives to encourage a shift from private to public transport. Light rail, tram and metro transit systems as well as bus rapid transit (BRT) projects are alternatives to carbon intense urban individual transport. This section provides information on public-private partnership (PPP) urban transport projects including links to PPP agreements and further reading materials.