Modelos de Negócio para Eficiência Energética em Iluminação Pública

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Modelos de Negócio para Eficiência Energética em Iluminação Pública (Lighting Brazilian Cities: Business Models for Energy-Efficient Street Lighting), World Bank, June 2016 (English and Portuguese

Metro Region Freeway Lighting Public-Private Partnership - Delivery of Freeway Lighting as a DBFOM Project: Project Agreement

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Project Agreement with Schedules between the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Freeway Lighting Partners, LLC (Project Company) of 24 August 2015.

Guadalajara – Leasing Contract (Contrato de Arrendamiento)

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Leasing contract of 15 April 2015 between the municipality and a partnership between the installer, Electricidad y Tecnología S.A. de C.V. (Electrotec) and the financial institution, Solucash S.A. de C.V. Sofom E.N.R. (Solucash), regarding the replacement of luminaires and the strengthening of the light network infrastructure in Guadalajara. Private partner is responsible for the installation of the luminaires. Municipality leases retrofitted lights from private partner and makes monthly payments over the 10-year lease term to be financed through cost savings.

PPP Stories - India: Bhubaneswar Street Lighting

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Street lighting infrastructure in Bhubaneswar, the capital of the Indian state of Odisha, is outdated, inefficient, and in poor condition. Small streets and residential areas have poor, if any, lighting. Resource inefficiencies also make it expensive, creating a burden on the city’s budget. The city’s municipal authority, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, asked for IFC’s assistance to design and structure the transaction, and manage a public-private partnership bid process to identify a qualified private sector partner to upgrade and manage the street lighting system.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Documents for the Selection of Energy Service Company (ESCO) to Implement Street Lighting Project in the City of Bhubaneswar

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RfP documents contain draft energy performance contract to be entered into by the local authority (Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation - BMC) and the ESCO (Contractor). The draft contract is based on the shared savings model. The Contractor undertakes to enhance the existing street lighting infrastructure, install cost-effective modern lamp technology, feeder panels for automation and metering, and to operate and maintain the street lighting system covering approximately 20,000 light fixtures. The construction period is 8 months from the effective date of the contract.

MAPPP – Model Contractual Provisions for Street Lighting PPPs (Le clausier type “éclairage public )

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From 2005 to 2012, 30% of PPPs signed by local governments (les collectivités locales) regarded street lighting. To assist local governments to develop PPPs in this sector, the Mission d’appui aux partenariats public-privé (MAPPP - the French PPP Unit) has provided model contractual provisions for street lighting PPPs together with commentary. The MAPPP provides also some information in English.


Related Information:

Request for Proposal - LED Streetlight Luminaire Supply

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Local Authorities Services (LAS) and RealTerm Energy developed a streetlight replacement program which resulted in 150 municipalities jointly procuring LED public lighting on a turnkey basis. This lowered transaction costs, enabled competitive procurement for the small and medium sized municipalities, and transformed the LED market in Canada.