Regulamento e Metodologia para o Credenciamento e Apuração de Conteúdo Local de Luminárias LED no Credenciamento de Fornecedores Informatizado (CFI) do BNDES (Portuguese) (Regulation and Methodology)

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Regulation and Methodology for the Accreditation and Calculation of Local Content of LED Fixtures in Computerized Supplier Accreditation of Brazilian Development Bank -BNDES. (Regulamento e Metodologia para o Credenciamento e Apuração de Conteúdo Local de Luminárias LED no Credenciamento de Fornecedores Informatizado (CFI) do BNDES (Portuguese) 

Energy-efficient street lighting (EPEC)

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This fact-sheet summarizes the rationale behind the imperative to improve the energy efficiency of street-lighting, including financial, legislative, technological and environmental drivers. The fact-sheet explores the role of ESCOs in street-lighting and references select examples of successful street-lighting projects, and sources for further reading on the topic.

Republic of India Energy-Efficient Street Lighting - Implementation and Financing Solutions

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The manual has been designed according to the requirements and constraints specific to India. However, many of its recommendations may be applicable across urban local bodies (ULBs) and municipalities in other countries.

World Bank, June 2015

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Prefeasibility Study Municipal Energy-efficient Public Street Lighting Project in the City of Rio de Janeiro

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The objective of this study is to provide city officials in Rio de Janeiro with (a) a brief overview of the global trends in EE public street lighting; (b) a review of the relevant regulatory, institutional and legal frameworks that would have an impact on an investment in energy-efficient public street lighting; and (c) recommendations for financing structures that achieve scale by bundling/aggregation.

Lighting Brazilian Cities: Business Models for Energy-Efficient Street Lighting

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Based on city studies and surveys in more than 300 municipalities, the report identifies business models and innovative financial structures that match the needs and capabilities of different sized cities. It also provides recommendations to governmental institutions on developing effective new policies and mechanisms to help Brazilian cities take ownership of their public lighting.

Find more @ Energy and Power PPPs

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