Output-Based Aid in Bangladesh: Solar Home Systems for Rural Households

Publication Year
Publication Year

This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled a government enterprise in charge of sustainable energy investments to form PPPs for rural electrification of low-income households. Solar panel and other sustainable energy technology dealers became PPP operators for installation and long-term maintenance of the equipment while the government focused on quality assurance, convening partnership with GPOBA and other donors as well as coordination of electrical grid planning, making sure that the PPP operators do not work in the place where the grid is expected soon.

Bangladesh Solar Home Systems Grant Agreement

Publication Year
Publication Year

This PPP case demonstrates how OBA enabled a government enterprise in charge of sustainable energy investments to form PPPs for rural electrification of low-income households. Solar panel and other sustainable energy technology dealers became PPP operators for installation and long-term maintenance of the equipment while the government focused on quality assurance, convening partnership with GPOBA and other donors as well as coordination of electrical grid planning, making sure that the PPP operators do not work in the place where the grid is expected soon.


Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission - Towards Building SOLAR INDIA

Publication Year

This is a governmental initiative to promote a shift from non-renewable sources of energy to renewable sources of energy. The initiative notes that Indian’s solar industry depends heavily on imported materials, and so sets up incentive packages to promote PV and thermal system manufacturing plants. In addition, the initiative points out the importance of small and medium enterprises in shifting manufacturing of these components to India, and calls for supporting SMEs through “soft loans for expansion of facilities, technology upgradation and working capital” (D.

Regras para o credenciamento e financiamento de equipamentos fotovoltaicos (Portuguese) (Rules for the Accreditation and Financing of Photovoltaic Equipment)

Publication Year

These Rules establish a minimum ratio of components and production processes required for the BNDES’s financial support on photovoltaic equipment, and accreditation and maintenance of Computerized Supplier Accreditation (CIF).

The Rules provide stages of local content that must be met by the fabricant for products made of crystal silicon and thin film, as well as percentages that must be met before set deadlines.

Related Information:

Stimulating the Demand for Good Governance

Publication Year

Stimulating Demand for Good Governance: Eight Strategic Recommendations for Intesifying the Role of the World Bank\

World Bank

This report examines the impact that citizen demand for good governance (DFGG) can have on development effectiveness. It analyzes World Bank and other donor experience with support for DFGG; constraints to intensifying support for DFGG within the World Bank; and possible ways to enhance the impact of DFGG on development outcomes.