Understanding Power Project Procurement

This handbook is intended to provide the reader with an overview of the mechanisms and strategy behind successful Power Project Procurements. It explores the complexity of procuring privately-owned power projects and describes the approaches that public procuring entities can use to establish and sustain power projects, including the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives. It also describes how these entities can implement these alternatives.

ADB's Focus on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Meeting the growing global demand for energy and natural resources is destabilizing our climate, and threatening the development and security of Asia and the Pacific. The poor are particularly vulnerable to these changes and are already suffering from rising sea levels and increasingly devastating storms, droughts, and floods. The intensity and frequency of extreme climate events is expected to increase with climate change, potentially exacerbating this trend in the future.

The Climate-Resilient City

Vietnam is a useful case study. Three development issues are shaping how Vietnam addresses urban resilience to climate change. First, large-scale migration is increasing the number of urban centers that lack critical infrastructure such as water, sanitation, solid waste, transport, and energy. Second, the effects of climate change on economic growth have introduced new risks in urban infrastructure planning and investment. Third, the shrinking fiscal space and the need for greater infrastructure investment is reinvigorating alternative forms of investment (such as PPPs).

Carbon Capture and Storage in Developing Countries: A Perspective on Barriers to Deployment

The selection of the case studies is based on several criteria, including the level of reliance on fossil fuels for power generation and the level of interconnection of electricity networks. The case studies selected for this analysis are the Balkans and Southern African regions. Many countries within the Balkan region are considered transition economies, a status recognized as different from middle-income and low income developing countries. However, for the purposes of this report, countries within both regions are referred to as developing countries.

Carbon Capture & Storage Database

The International Energy Agency (IEA) International CCS Law and Regulation Database (CCS Database) catalogues how global CCS legal instruments address key regulatory issues associated with CO2 storage. The aim is to support ongoing efforts by governments to implement CCS permitting frameworks – legal or regulatory provisions that enable CCS, aim to ensure safe and effective capture, transportation and storage of CO2, and manage interaction with other uses of the subsurface – by consolidating and making more accessible information on existing instruments.

Geothermal Handbook, Planning and Financing Power Generation

Developing countries face multiple and complex challenges in securing affordable and reliable energy supplies to support sustainable economic development. These challenges can be addressed by increased access to modern energy infrastructure, enhanced energy security through supply diversification, and transition to low carbon paths to meet rising energy demands. There is broad consensus that renewable energy has a major role to play in addressing these challenges.