Australia Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000

This is done through the issuing of certificates for the generation of electricity using eligible renewable energy sources and requiring certain purchasers (called liable entities) to surrender a specified number of certificates for the electricity that they acquire during a year.

Where a liable entity does not have enough certificates to surrender, the liable entity will have to pay renewable energy shortfall charge.

Renewable Infrastructure Investment Handbook

One of the most important challenges for institutional investors in the next several years is dealing with an environment of low-yielding opportunities combined with the rising need to deploy large amounts of capital and meet growing liabilities. At the same time, one of the most important challenges for the world as a whole is dealing with global warming and its proven economic impacts and negative consequences for humanity. While seemingly disparate, these two challenges have only recently converged to a point where they become synergetic. Renewable infrastructure has reached sufficient maturity to constitute a sound investment proposition and the best chance to reverse global warming