ToRs for Power Sector Regulation - Technical Assistance - Utility Consulting Firm and Legal Advisor

Publication Year

By allowing the private sector to invest in and manage the electric utility, the Department of Energy expects to increase the availability of affordable electricity to the domestic and industrial consumers of Acadia. Reliable access to electricity in turn will lead to increased opportunities for economic development, job creation, and poverty alleviation. 

Energy access - Making Power Sector Reform Work for the Poor

Publication Year

This document by the Global Network on energy for Sustainable Development explains the significant outcome of policy review and reform in the energy sector that was implemented in different regions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The reforms mainly focused on the providing access to energy services to the poorer sections of the communities

The results could be summed up in 4 areas:

(i) Protecting Funds: Funds for electrification of the poor need to be protected and specifically guided by sound policies, and use of funds must be under transparent planning process;

Guatemala: Ley de Alianzas para el Desarrollo de Infraestructura Económica y Regulation de la Ley (Decreto Numero 16-2010 y Acuerdo Gubernativo No. 360-2011)

Publication Year
Publication Year


Ley de Alianzas para el Desarrollo de Infraestructura Económica - Decreto Número 06-2010 del 13 abril 2010 (Spanish) - Decree 16-2010 on Public-Private Partnerships of 13 April 2010.


PPP Act 42/2012 of 7 September 2012 (Regime Jurídico das Parcerias Público Privada)

Publication Year


PPP Act 42/2012 of 7 Septembre 2012 - Decreto-Lei No. 42/2012 de 7 de Setembro "Regime Jurídico das Parcerias Público Privada" (Portuguese). This Act establishes the legal framework for agreements between the State and private entities regarding PPP projects. 



Decreto Ley 1467 and 0100 de Asociaciones Público-Privadas (Decree 1467 and Decree 0100)

Publication Year

Decreto Ley 1467 de las Asociaciones Público-Privadas (Decree 1467) of 6 July 2012 as modified by Decreto Ley 0100 (Decree 0100) of 25 January 2013. 


Related Information:

Mexico: Ley de Asociaciones Público Privadas - Law on Public-Private Partnerships (Mexico)

Publication Year
Publication Year


Ley de Asociaciones Público Privadas del 16 de enero de 2012 - reformado 14 julio 2014 (Spanish)  (Law on Public-Private Partnerships of 16 January 2012 as revised 14 July 2014)


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