RailCorp Rolling Stock Public Private Partnership - Schedule of agreements

Publication Year

What will Reliance Rail deliver?

Reliance Rail will deliver:

  • 626 carriages

  • a maintenance facility at Auburn

  • fleet maintenance for 30 years

  • simulators for crew training.

Contract Summary

RailCorp Rolling Stock PPP summary of contracts (9.33MB PDF)

ToRs for Proposal for Pilot PPP Project in Rail Sector and Draft Bid Documents

Publication Year

Road transport dominates the transport sector with bus and car for passengers and truck for freight leading the way. In 1999, Government spend on maintenance and new roads was GrDollars 49,205 million.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Transport.

Mise en concession du chemin de fer d’Ifrikya (Concession Case Study of the Ifrikya Railway)

Publication Year

The study is based in part on several recent actual case studies on railway concessioning in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, several features of the general context and data have been changed for pedagogical purposes. The Republic of Ifrikya should therefore be considered an entirely fictitious country and the description of conditions there should not in any way be construed as mirroring the situation in any country that has recently entered into a railway concessioning arrangement.

London Overground Rail Concession

Publication Year
Publication Year

TfL committee paper considering whether to move forward with rail concession for London suburban over ground railway

It summarises main features the draft concession agreement which was put out for comment from prequalified bidders as well as lessons learnt from other projects taken into account in the project design.

Valuation of the Minimum Revenue Guarantee in the Urban Railway PPP Project

Publication Year
Publication Year
With the revised Act on Private Participation in Infrastructure, Korea introduced a public-private partnership (PPP) framework that is designed to reduce the traffic forecasting risk by guaranteeing a minimum revenue. Accordingly, large-scale PPP transport projects that have been initiated include the option of the Minimum Revenue Guarantee (MRG). This study aims to calculate the economic value of the MRG within a PPP urban railway project.

Private Sector Participation in Urban Rail

Publication Year
Publication Year


Private Sector Participation in Urban Rail - Getting the structure right by Iain Menzies and Cledan Mandri-Perrott, Gridlines Note No. 54, Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) April 2010. 


Related Information: 

Urban Passenger Transport


Tracking Reference: Private_Sector_Participation_in_Urban_Rail_EN.pdf