Public private partnerships and the poor - Case Study - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Experiences with water provision in four low-income barrios in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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A case study of four barrios (neighborhoods) in Buenos Aires, Argentina where the initial water concession from the local government to Aguas de Argentina -the private utility- did not provide enough coverage and was leaving the poor out from the area of service. However, water access and sanitation services improved significantly for citizens including the urban poor in an informal settlement.

Utilities Privatization and the Poor: Lessons and Evidence from Latin America

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IRT Vehicle
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This document studies several experiences in Latin America regarding utility privatizations and their impact on the poor by capturing the analysis of the policy perspective. The paper aims to shed light on the issue of who can and does benefit from privatization utilities and to guide policymakers in making the right choices. Authors of study are Danny M. Leipziger, Antonio Estache and Andres Gomez-Lobo

Privatization and its Impact on the Right to Education of Women and Girls

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United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), June 2014


Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as 'Anchor' of Educational Reforms

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Background paper commissioned for the Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2009 on Overcoming Inequality: why governance matters by Masooda Bano, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 2008.


Public-Private Partnerships in Education and the Pursuit of Gender Equality: A View from South Asia

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By Shailaja Fennell, International Development Policy, Revue internationale de politique de développement, 2014


PPP and Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture: Lessons from Field Studies

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PPP and Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture: Lessons from Field Studies by K. Ponnusamy, Manju Dutta Das, Binoo P. Bonny and Sabita Mishra, Agricultural Economics Research Review , Vol. 27 (Conference Number) 2014 pp 147-155.