Utilities Privatization and the Poor: Lessons and Evidence from Latin America

Publication Year

The perception that privatization hurts the poor is growing and creating a backlash against the private provision of basic infrastructure services.

At the same time, governments are findings themselves fisically strapped, searching for ways to finance the large investments needed to expand services to the poor.
In Latin America, a laboratory for privatization, evidence exists which sheds light on the privatization experience.


EWURA Guidelines for Developers of Small Power Projects in Tanzania

Publication Year
These Guidelines are intended to assist Small Power Project (SPP) developers (also referred to as “Sellers1”) to understand: • The SPP legal framework and process; • EWURA’s licensing requirements and procedures; • How to obtain authorizations from other government institutions; and • Other technical, commercial and regulatory requirements necessary to bring an SPP into operation.

The Manila Water Concession - A Key Government Official's Diary of the World's Largest Water Privatization

Publication Year
Publication Year

Visit Manila Water's website for more information. 

See also Manila Water Concession Agreement

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Water and Sanitation.

Dumol, Mark. 2000. The Manila Water Concession: A key government official’s diary of the world’s largest water privatization. Washington, DC: World Bank. [#1686]