Title: Gender Action Plans (GAPs) in ADB Projects

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topics: Gender Impact

Keywords: Privatization


Document Details:


Gender Action Plans (GAPs) in ADB Projects, online resource provided by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)


The project-specific gender action plan (GAP) is a tool used by ADB to ensure “gender mainstreaming” is tangible and explicitly visible in project design and implementation. The project GAP is an integral part of the project design and mirrors the project outputs. GAPs include clear targets, quotas, gender design features and quantifiable performance indicators to ensure women’s participation and benefits. Key aspects of the GAP are incorporated into project assurances to encourage buy-in from executing agencies and other project partners. The online resource provides links to GAPs that were developed for specific projects organized by sector.


Related Information: 

Mainstreaming Gender throughout the Project Cycle


Mainstreaming Gender in Infrastructure Projects: Sector-Specific Materials on AgricultureEducationEnergyHealthInformation and Communications Technology (ICT)Water and Sanitation



Tracking Reference:







Updated: October 6, 2021