Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS)

The CDS provides a single point of access to a wide range of quality-assured climate datasets distributed in the cloud. CDS datasets include observations, historical climate data records, estimates of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) derived from Earth observations, global and regional climate reanalyses of past observations, seasonal forecasts and climate projections. Access to data is open, free and unrestricted.

Understanding Natural Gas and LNG Options

This handbook attempts to cover a broad spectrum of topics involved with developing and financing an LNG project, covering in depth the considerations for an LNG export project and development of a diverse domestic market. The book also addresses LNG import projects for local LNG sales as an alternative to country-to-country pipelines. We discuss the decisions that need to be made and the lenses through which to view the factors leading to these decisions.

Adapting to Climate change: the role of public procurement

Adapting to Climate change: the role of public procurement, Greater London Authority (GLA) September 2009 - The study looks specifically at the role of public procurement with regard to climate change adaptation. It considers specifically (i) the process of embedding climate change adaptation into procurement; and (ii) the associated legal case and the economic costs and benefits.

Climate Resilience Design Guidelines (CRG)

Climate Resilience Design Guidelines (CRG), New York Port Authority (updated June 2018) – The guidelines recommend to integrate the CRG criteria early into the project delivery process and in project documents, including in (i) the project proposal; (ii) the attachment for consultant services; (iii) design criteria/performance criteria/basis of design documents; as well as (iv) the requirements and provisions for work.

Climate Risk Case Study – Ports – Colombia

Physical infrastructure at ports and port activities may be highly vulnerable to changes in climate. For instance, the risks could manifest through changes in the level or patterns of shipping, increased flooding affecting movements within ports and causing damage to goods stored, reduced navigability of access channels and business interruption. Some ports will also see opportunities as a result of climate change. A port’s reputation for reliability is key to its success, so ports that are more resilient to disruption from climate events should fare better.

Climate Risk Case Study - Hydro – Zambia

Hydropower projects may be highly sensitive to climate change impacts. Water flows used by a project may be affected not only by changes in the hydrologic cycle, but also by climate related changes in the upstream water use, such as increased use of water for human consumption, agriculture, industry, or biodiversity maintenance. At the same time, the demand for electricity may also change due to climate change effects, such as increased temperatures.

Climate Risk Case Study - Hydro - Himal Nepal

This report presents the outcomes of a study analyzing the potential risks from climate change for the Khimti 1 run of the river hydro-electric power scheme in Nepal, owned and operated by the Himal Power Ltd (HPL). The risk analyses have assessed (within the limitations of the available information) how variability in current climate conditions together with future climate change can affect HPL’s operations and have impacts for the local communities.