Title: Climate Risk Case Study - Hydro - Himal Nepal

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Case Study

Published: December 19, 2019

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Nepal

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Climate Smart

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

This report presents the outcomes of a study analyzing the potential risks from climate change for the Khimti 1 run of the river hydro-electric power scheme in Nepal, owned and operated by the Himal Power Ltd (HPL). The risk analyses have assessed (within the limitations of the available information) how variability in current climate conditions together with future climate change can affect HPL’s operations and have impacts for the local communities.

Adaptation (risk management) options have been proposed for HPL to consider. For the most part these measures are focused on building adaptive capacity rather than delivering adaption action. In some cases the adaptation options are for others to consider, as for example in the case of potential changes to the PPA.

The report identifies a number of lessons for future hydro-power production in Nepal. These lessons will also have a relevance to the development of similar schemes in other developing countries.

Document Details:

This report presents the outcomes of a study analyzing the potential risks from climate change for the Khimti 1 run of the river hydro-electric power scheme in Nepal, owned and operated by the Himal Power Ltd (HPL). The risk analyses have assessed (within the limitations of the available information) how variability in current climate conditions together with future climate change can affect HPL’s operations and have impacts for the local communities.

Adaptation (risk management) options have been proposed for HPL to consider. For the most part these measures are focused on building adaptive capacity rather than delivering adaption action. In some cases the adaptation options are for others to consider, as for example in the case of potential changes to the PPA.

The report identifies a number of lessons for future hydro-power production in Nepal. These lessons will also have a relevance to the development of similar schemes in other developing countries.

Updated: October 25, 2021