Croata - Public-Private Partnership Institutional Framework

Croatia PPP Law/Concessions Law/Public Procurement Act

The Croatia (PPP Act 2008) regulates procedures for the preparation, approval, award, and monitoring of proposals for PPP projects.  An independent public body, the PPP Agency is entrusted with the task of selecting and approving PPP projects proposed by the Croatian administration.

The Concessions Act 2008 specifies the types of concessions, provides general principles and rules applicable to Concessions, in particular to Concession awards, Concession contracts and termination of Concessions.

Varaždin County School Program, Croatia

At the time this project was initiated in 2006, the schools in Varaždin County, Croatia had become significantly overcrowded. To accommodate all students, schools had started organizing their classes into two core sessions per day, one morning school and one afternoon school, for six days each week instead of five.

Summary of Benchmarking PPP Procurement 2018 in Croatia

Procuring Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships 2018 is designed to help governments improve their PPP regulatory quality. By benchmarking the regulatory frameworks of economies around the world against internationally recognized good practices in procuring PPPs, this assessment identifies areas for improvement in the preparation, procurement, and management of PPPs.

PPP Unit Croatia

The Ministry of Economic and Sustainable Development display a list of announced, approved and contracted PPP projects in Croatia as well as a list of PPP contracts in Croatia, including estimated capital value.