Law no. 239/2005 on the amendment and completion of several normative acts in the field of communications

Law no.239/2005 on the amendment and completion of several normative acts in the field of communications

Enacted by the Parliament of Romania.

Art.I. – Article 51 of the Government Ordinance no.31/2002 on postal services, published in the Romanian Official Journal, Part I, no.87 as of February 1, 2002, approved, with amendments and completions, by Law no.642/2002, shall be repealed.

Ordinance 34 of 2002 on the Access to the Electronic Communications Networks and to the associated infrastructure, as well as their interconnection

This consolidated version has been drafted by the National Regulatory Authority for Communications by inserting in the text of the Government Ordinance no. 34/2002 on access to the electronic communications networks and to the associated infrastructure, as well as their interconnection, published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 88 of February 8th, 2002, the amendments and completions that have been operated through the Law no. 527/2002, published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no.602 of August 14th, 2002.

Water and Sanitation System, Bucharest, Romania

The municipality of Bucharest was facing numerous challenges related to its water supply and sanitation system, including leaks in its water supply distribution network and an inadequate metering system.

Water in Bucharest: A utility's efficiency gains under a concession

The concession of Bucharest’s water utility has brought its citizens higher-quality water services, at a lower cost, than they could have had under continued municipal provision. The credit for this goes to the leadership of the municipality and the municipal utility in the late 1990s, which saw that private finance and management were needed to reverse the cycle of poor performance.