Black Economic Empowerment Act (BEE)


Conforming the Black Economic Empowerment Act (BEE) , this contract includes several clauses for its compliance such as preferential procurement with SMEs or BEE compliant suppliers. Likewise, the contract includes indicators and milestones that should be achieve in different stages of the contract, such as Enterprise Development that is measured by “Enhanced revenue and/or cost savings and/or twining initiatives facilitated for black owned SMMEs, as a percentage of revenue.”

Bid for Procurement of Services to Manufacture, Supply and Maintain 174 Buses


This document is a bid notice and invitation to bidders for manufacturing, supplying and maintaining 174 busses. The notice requires that proposals incorporate local labor and maximize the local labor content during the manufacturing, supply and maintenance of the bus fleet (Section 6.13).

Likewise, the document establishes that “only tenders that have a higher than the stipulated minimum threshold for local content as stipulated (80%) (on the procuring documents) … will be eligible for further evaluation.”

Related Information:

Public-Private Partnerships and the poor - Case Study- Dolphin Coast water concessions, Dolphin Coast, South Africa

This document studies the existing water concession provisions in Dolphin Coast area in South Africa, including various outcomes before the report was published; different perceptions of several stakeholders; and its impact on poor groups in that particular area. It is a summary of the evaluation of the public-private partnership and its impact.

Public-Private Partnerships and the Poor - Case Study - Revisiting Queenstown, South Africa


A case study of a PPP for the operation, maintenance, and management of existing water and sanitation systems, and the partnership impact on the poor. The public-private partnership has been entered into by an operator called "Water and Sanitation Services South Africa" and the municipality of Queenstown, of the then Queenstown Transitional Local Council area (Eastern Cape Province) in South-Africa.