Chile - Ley General de Telecomunicaciones No. 18.168 de 1982

Chile - Ley General de Telecomunicaciones No. 18.168 de 1982 -  This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in  Chile.  It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the regulatory telecommunications authority.  It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, co-location, scarce resources management, infrastructure sharing, tariffs regulation, and penalties and sanctions.

Chile: Texto del Codigo de Aguas

Hoy se decretó lo que sigue:
D.F.L. N° 1.122. Visto: la facultad que me otorga el artículo 2°, del decreto ley N° 2.603, de 1979, prorrogada por el decreto ley N° 3.337, de 1980, y renovada por el decreto ley N° 3.549, de 1981, dicto el siguiente

Decreto con Fuerza de Ley
Libro Primero   
De las Aguas y del Derecho de Aprovechamiento

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Water and Sanitation.

Chile - Summary of regulations for providing public infrastructure - unsolicited bids

The legal regulations for providing public infrastructure through the Concessions Program are contained in several legal texts, but are found mainly in the Concessions Law and its accompanying Regulations. These regulate adjudication, execution, repair or maintenance of state public works given in concession.

The process to manage unsolicited proposals is also contained in the main Concessions Law and the process details are found in secondary legislation .

Chilean Concession Regulations 956

La concesión comprenderá:
a) La prestación en el área de concesión de los servicios básicos y complementarios para los que fue construida la obra.
b) La conservación de la obra en óptimas condiciones de uso.
c) El cobro de tarifas que pagarán los usuarios de los servicios básicos y de los servicios complementarios.
d) La ejecución de las inversiones o reinversiones que constituyen el plan de desarrollo del proyecto.
e) El uso y goce sobre los bienes nacionales de uso público o fiscales destinados a desarrollar la obra entregada en concesión.

The Political Economy of Energy Subsidy Reform

Untargeted price subsidies could easily be construed as one of the most expensive and most regressive fiscal policies in low- to middle-income countries. In fact, public expenditure on subsidies often exceeds the entirety of these countries’ social safety net expenditures many times over, making this a critical area of reform that can reap important benefits for social welfare and macroeconomic and fiscal stability.

IRENA Resource: Chile

To achieve RE targets many countries require utilities to get specific amounts or percentages of their electricity sales from RE. These quota systems exist in many different variations worldwide and are often supported by tradable RE certificates. The RE support system in Chile—a solar PV leader in Latin America with 2.11 GW installed capacity in 2017—uses this approach alongside with auctions and other incentive mechanisms, and mandates severe penalties for non-compliance by utilities.

Chile solar auction sets new record low for solar PV

While tender schemes open up flexible and innovative design options (e.g. time blocks, storage components), the quality of the design and implementation is crucial to the success of competitive tenders. In Chile, an energy auction in November 2017 received the lowest price for solar in the region with 2.15 US cent/kWh after the tender process was amended in 2015 (Law 20,805) and a longer contract term (20 years) and different sized hourly blocks of energy supply (day, peak, night, 24 hours) were introduced.