Title: The Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE)
Language: Portuguese
Type: Website
Nature: Government Website
Published: September 8, 2017
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Country: Mozambique
Sector: Energy and Power
Topic: Legal Framework
Keywords: PPPs by Sector *, Energy and Power PPPs **, Mozambique
Document Link(s):
Document Summary:
Arene is an energy regulatory authority responsible for overseeing and regulating the electricity, natural gas, and liquid fuels sectors. Its mandate is to ensure that the energy industry operates in line with international best practices, promoting efficiency and sustainability across these key subsectors.
A ARENE é uma entidade reguladora de Energia com poderes de regulação e supervisão dos subsectores da electricidade, gás natural e combustíveis líquidos, assegurando deste modo, o alinhamento do sector da energia as melhores práticas internacionais.
Document Details:
The official website of the Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE), created by Law No. 11/2017, of 8 September.