Water pricing is an important and effective mechanism to reflect the scarcity value of water. Water is priced not only to recover the full costs of its supply and production, but also to incorporate the higher cost of producing water from unconventional sources, specifically NEWater and desalinated water.
The water price was last revised in 2000, over the period from 1997 to 2000.
Annex 1 of the Annex for IRI Guide:
The Worked Examples are provided to demonstrate to practitioners how the Guidelines can be applied to projects. The Worked Examples are hypothetical project business cases and include hypothetical financial assessments with key project information.
The study's estimates and projections are based on theoretical amounts of water, nutrients, and energy that exist in the reported municipal wastewater produced worldwide annually.
Among many findings:
Find reading materials and resources on PPPs in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States.
Increasing Access to Justice in Fragile Settings, World Bank Group 2023. This report explores the paths to increase access to justice in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCS).