Cambodia - Operational Manual For Rural Electrification Fund

A detailed internal operations manual for the Cambodian Rural Electrification Fund.  This builds on and “drills down” from the Cambodian Rural Electrification Fund law.  Note the sample grant application forms for different types of applicants that are attached as appendices. The REF has a goal of disbursing 50,000 grants of US $45 for each new household connection in rural areas. Operational Manual For Rural Electrification Fund (January 2007, 81 pages). 


Draft Rural Electrification Fund Operational Manual: Governance

The governance / management structure of the REF, is composed of three layers:

(i) The Board of Directors of REF, called the Rural Electrification Board, REB provides the strategic management for REF-operations.

(ii) The Executive Director of the REF-Secretariat is in charge of operational management; while the REF- Payments Agent, under contract with REB, administers the disbursement of REF-subsidy payments to supported projects.

Comparative Study on Rural Electrification Policies in Emerging Economies

This study aims to identify opportunities and constraints related to the potential future production of second-generation biofuels in major economies and developing countries, and to examine under which conditions the new fuels could be produced sustainably in these countries. The report identifies global drivers for second-generation biofuel development, discusses projections on biomass potentials and assesses the potential of agricultural and forestry residues for the sustainable production of lignocellulosic biofuels.

The Electrical Social Compensation Fund (FOSE) - Peru

“The Electric Social Compensation Fund (FOSE) promotes profitable RE private investment in off-grid power in rural towns, through subsidies, as part of a social inclusion policy.

The FOSE (legislated through Law No. 27510 of 2001) intends to promote electricity access to all residential customers whose consumption is lower than 100 kWh per month and to promote private investment in rural electrification systems under 20 MW.

Ethiopia Electricity Access Rural Expansion Project - Output-Based Aid Agreement, Ethiopia

Output-Based agreement entered into by the World Bank and Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation. The World Bank agrees to extend a grant to assist financing a project consisting on increasing access to electricity for up to 228,571 poor households in rural towns and villages with grid access, within the context of the Universal Electricity Access Program (UEAP), by assisting the recipient in its connection fee financing program. The increased access to electricity will improve the quality of life, enhance educational services, and provide income-generating opportunities

Guide for Application of Standards for Rural Electrification in Africa - Guide D’application des Normes pour l’électrification Rurale in Afrique (English/French)

This is a guide written by African Electrotechnical Standardization Commission (AFSEC) and it “provides an overview of standards for technologies suitable for application in the electrification of rural areas in Africa depending on the level of quality of service and the needed quantity of energy that the customer can afford. The guide provides methodological support for the management and implementation of projects, economic calculation, safety as well as technical specifications for individual or collective systems, hybrid systems and associated components.

Peru - Quality of Service Standards for Grid Connected Rural Service Providers

The rationale for setting lower standards of service in rural areas is that it is more difficult and costly to provide comparable service in rural areas at a price that would be avoidable to generally poorer rural customers.   For example, the maximum allowed number of interruptions in urban concentrated areas is 12 while the comparable figure for rural dispersed areas is 40. Normas Técnicas de Calidad de los Servicios Eléctricos Rurales, (in Spanish). Quality of Service Standards for Grid Connected Rural Service Providers.  (Unofficial English translation) (Oc