Institutionalised Public-Private Partnerships (IPPP)

Earlier documents, which are still relevant until these directives come into force in 2016 include 

  • Rules applicable to Institutionalised Public-Private Partnerships (IPPP), with an interpretative communication in 2008.
  • 2004 Green Paper on public-private partnerships
  • Mobilising private and public investment for recovery and long term structural change: developing Public Private Partnerships

EBRD Core Principles for a Modern Concessions Law - selection and justification of principles

The EBRD Core Principles for a Modern Concessions Law (the Core Principles) underpin the EBRD’s design of legal reform projects in the area of concessions/Public Private Partnership (PPP). The purpose of the Core Principles is to identify and promote sound modern principles of concessions laws in the EBRD’s countries of operations. By promoting clearness, fairness, stability, predictability and flexibility among their major objectives, the Core Principles aim to protect both investors and the public sector from unfair treatment and abuses.

San Jose - Caldera Toll Road Concession Agreement

The concessionaire accepts the GMI mechanism (or not) when it submits its “economic offer”; subsequently, for each year where the GMI is valid, the concessionaire may decide to make use of the funds. Concessionaire must present its GMI offer for years 1 to 13 of the operation phase (which can be equal to or lower than the maximum amounts offered by the government in the bidding documents as shown in table 3.5 of the concession agreement). If concessionaire chooses to take the minimum income for a specific year, it must pay a guarantee (according to a formula in the contract).