Title: Developing Best Practices for Promoting Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure: Power

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Energy and Power, Energy and Power PPPs **


Developing Best Practices for Promoting Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure523.42 KB

Document Summary:

This five-volume set presents the findings of an ADB regional technical assistance study which developed sector-specific best practices for promoting private sector participation in key infrastructure sectors in ADB's developing member countries.

The best practices cover the role of government, institutional reform, strategic planning, legal and regulatory frameworks, unbundling and competition, contractual arrangements, sources of financing, and the allocation of risk.

Document Details:

This volume examines the optimum approaches for achieving benefits for consumers of electricity through power sector restructuring, unbundling, the introduction of competition, and privatization.


  • Foreword, Abbreviations, List of Figures, List of Boxes
  • Executive Summary
    • Introduction
    • A Vision and Philosophy of Power Sector Restructuring
    • The Best Practice, According to the Five Stages of Restructuring
    • The role of ADB
  • Part One: Study Overview
  • Introduction
  • The Growth of Private Sector Participation
    • Expansion and Contraction of Private Sector Investment
    • The Challenge for Private Sector Infrastructure Investment
  • Cross-Sectoral Issues for Private Sector Participation
    • The Need for Reform and Role of Government
    • Institutional Reform
    • Strategic Planning
    • Legal and Regulatory Framework
    • Unbundling and Introducing Competition
    • Sources of Financing
    • Risk and Risk Mitigation
  • Summary of Sectoral Best Practices
    • Power
    • Water
    • Roads
    • Ports
    • Airports
  • The Role of the Asian Development Bank
  • Part Two: Power Sector Report
  • Introduction
  • The Process of Restructuring and a Vision for the Power Industry
    • The Process of Restructuring in the Power Sector
    • Vision of the Power Industry
    • The Philosophy of Private Sector Participation
  • Best Practices
    • Establishing the Investment Framework
    • Determining the Structure of the Power Industry
    • Preparing the Market for Private Sector Investment and Competition
    • Opening the Market and Carrying Out Privatization
    • Implementing the Changes Effectively
  • Next Steps for the Developing Member Countries
    • Establish a Government-Wide Commitment
    • Review Investment Policies
    • Review the Procurement Process
    • Improve Utility Operations
    • Small Countries and Small Systems
  • Next Steps for the Asian Development Bank
    • Introduction
    • Suggested Roles for ADB
  • Appendix
  • Country Profiles

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Updated: September 21, 2021