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Title Region Country Sector Topic Document(s)
Wastewater Treatment: Case Study of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Shanghai
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2010
East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Global / Non-Specific Water and Sanitation
Bases para los Contratos de Acceso Ferroviario Linea Ferrea del Ferrocarril Arica a La Paz (Basic Agreement for Track Access Agreements regarding the Railway Line from Arica to La Paz)
Type: Contract Agreement
Languages: Spanish
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Chile, Bolivia Transportation
Waste PPPs, Handshake Issue # 12
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Global Global / Non-Specific Municipal Solid Waste, Water and Sanitation, Subnational and Municipal
Rail Infrastructure Tariffs - Enabling Private Sector Development in Mongolia’s Railway Sector
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Global / Non-Specific Transportation
Honduras: Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada (Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships)
Type: Draft Laws and Regulations
Languages: Spanish
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Honduras
Guatemala: Ley de Alianzas para el Desarrollo de Infraestructura Económica y Regulation de la Ley (Decreto Numero 16-2010 y Acuerdo Gubernativo No. 360-2011)
Type: Draft Laws and Regulations
Languages: Spanish
Published: Jan 01, 2010
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Guatemala
Ley de Participación Público-Privada No. 18.786 (PPP Law 18.786 of 19 July 2011)
Type: Draft Laws and Regulations
Languages: Spanish
Published: Jan 01, 2011
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Uruguay
Ley 1508 de las Asociaciones Público Privadas of Colombia (Law on Public-Private Associations)
Type: Draft Laws and Regulations
Languages: Spanish
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Colombia
Mexico: Reglamento de la Ley de Asociaciones Público Privadas (Regulation for the Law on Public-Private Partnerships) of 5 November 2012
Type: Draft Laws and Regulations
Languages: Spanish
Published: Jan 01, 2012
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Mexico