Popular Resources

Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament…

This Directive sets rules for the award of concession contracts

Recommendations of the Working Group on…

This document summarizes the recommendations of a working group that the Colombian Vice-President Germán Vargas Lleras… more

Contrat de partenariat et gestion des personnels

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Contrat de partenariat et gestion des personnels, Institut de la Gestion… more

Australian Space Agency - regulating Australian…

The Australian Space Agency is responsible for regulating Australian space and high power rocket activities and … more

Circular Economy Promotion Law: 循环经济促进法

<p>The Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People&rsquo;s Republic of China has been passed in the 4th… more

Right2Info - Constitutional Provisions, Laws and…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p jquery1427872647979="469">Find more… more