Popular Resources

Rail Transport - Framework for Improving Rail…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span>By Vasile Nicolae Olievschi, Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy… more

Serbia - PPP Units and Related Institutional…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span>European PPP Expertise Center (EPEC), June 2014.&nbsp;</span… more

Ley de Participación Público-Privada No. 18.786 (…

<div id="cke_pastebin"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span><a href="https… more

USAID Evaluation of the Mongolian Electricity…

This report is designed to review the progress of the Energy Regulatory Authority (ERA) in establishing and operating… more

PPIAF Gridline - Using Management and Lease/…

How have water utilities performed under management and lease- affermage contracts? Eight case studies across… more

Guidelines For Grid Interconnection of Small…

Sample  Laws, Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Tanzania—EWURA, a suite of several documents developed by EWURA (the… more

Algeria Telecommunications License Adjudication…

Find more at Telecommunications / Information &amp; Communication Technology PPPs @ PPPLRC

Décret n° 2003-194 du 7 Mars 2003 (modifié)…

Décret n° 2003-194 du 7 mars 2003 modifié relatif a l'utilisation du réseau ferré national - Decree No. 2003-194… more

Creating an enabling environment for state…

<p>Summary of tools made available by Government of India to help states move their PPP project pipelines</p… more

SMEs and Local Content Inclusion in Countries’…

In order to better compare the various approaches, a table of sample provisions related to SMEs inclusion in PPPs has… more