Popular Resources

Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects

<p>The following pages contain a set of recommended legislative principles entitled &ldquo;legislative… more

Sample Wording for Privatisation Law - civil law…

<p>Sample wording for a privatisation law prepared by World Bank staff, with support from international law firms… more

Enforcement Decree of the Act on Public-Private…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span>The<a href="/public-private-partnership/node/492">… more

Benin - Modele 1 - modele de contrat fermier -…

This is a well drafted and simple affermage contract that sets out simple service obligations.  The monitoring of the… more


当私营服务供应商对土地上的附属资产进行投资,且私营贷方想要得到对这些资产的担保时,在土地上建立权力并对土地进行使用就成为了基础设施项目的关键。政府也非常希望能够保留其在公共资产中的权利,并随着时间的推移,获得其自身或公众付款的资产的权利。… more

Legal Aspects for Performance-Based…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span>Legal Aspects for Performance-Based Specifications for Highway… more

Melbourne - bulk supply agreement for treated…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This agreement is between Melbourne Water Corporation (MWC) and <a href=… more

Electricity Regulatory Authority - Uganda

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