Chile solar auction sets new record low for solar PV

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While tender schemes open up flexible and innovative design options (e.g. time blocks, storage components), the quality of the design and implementation is crucial to the success of competitive tenders. In Chile, an energy auction in November 2017 received the lowest price for solar in the region with 2.15 US cent/kWh after the tender process was amended in 2015 (Law 20,805) and a longer contract term (20 years) and different sized hourly blocks of energy supply (day, peak, night, 24 hours) were introduced.

Climate Changed Saudi Arabia Gets Cheapest Bids for Solar Power in Auction

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Competitive solar tenders have decisively contributed to rapidly declining solar PV prices across the globe. In Saudi Arabia, an October 2017 auction resulted in a new record low for solar PV with one bid at 1.79 US cent/kWh. Solar prices are, however, not fully comparable because of country-specific factors and different parameters of each auction. Read more.

IRENA Resource: Germany

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Feed-in tariffs (FiTs) set by the regulator and similar instruments used to be the preferred regulatory mechanism globally to boost deployment of solar PV through private investment as they provide a stable and predictable policy environment. FiT guarantee the purchase of generated RE under long-term contracts at a tariff set by the regulator and are often combined with facilitated grid access and dispatch. In Germany, FiTs were a key element of the RE incentive scheme for many years and led to the major growth of solar PV (42.39 GW installed solar capacity in 2017).

IRENA Resource: Chile

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To achieve RE targets many countries require utilities to get specific amounts or percentages of their electricity sales from RE. These quota systems exist in many different variations worldwide and are often supported by tradable RE certificates. The RE support system in Chile—a solar PV leader in Latin America with 2.11 GW installed capacity in 2017—uses this approach alongside with auctions and other incentive mechanisms, and mandates severe penalties for non-compliance by utilities.

The Paris Agreement

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The Paris Agreement builds upon the Convention and for the first time brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so. As such, it charts a new course in the global climate effort. Read more

特许经营权合同问卷及检查表(Concession Contracts Questionnaire and Checklist)

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This document has been prepared for the purposes of the PPP Legal Resource Center for Contract, Laws and Regulation (PPPLRC). It is a checklist for general guidance purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice for a project. This document provides a sample concession contracts questionnaire and checklist between public and private sector, especially focusing on the legal environment of the host country.

Politiques de gestion des offres spontanées relatives aux projets d'infrastructures

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En matière de projets d’infrastructure, les offres spontanées représentent une méthode alternative pour l’initiation de projets, où le secteur privé, plutôt que le gouvernement, est l’acteur principal qui identifie et développe un projet. Dans la pratique, de nombreuses administrations de par le monde ont recours aux offres spontanées car celles-ci permettent de répondre au manque de capacité du secteur public pour l’identification et le développement de projets. Cependant, nombreux sont les ...