Title: Montenegro: Uredbu O Vjetroelektranama (Regulation on Wind Power)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Montenegro

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Climate Smart, Wind power, Energy and Power PPPs **



Uredbu O Vjetroelektranama (Regulation on Wind Power)138.24 KB

Document Summary:

One of Montenegro‘s greatest development potentials is in energy sector reform. Renewable resources figure significantly. This document, in Montenegrin, is an example of a regulation on wind power. 

Document Details:

This regulation defines the procedure of measurement and research of wind potential, and the way procedure of leasing the land at the site of measurement , or location wind power, the process of building the wind farm and its connection to the power system, as well as the purchase of electricity.

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Updated: October 3, 2021