Title: Calculation of toll tariffs amongst the ASECAP countries

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: North America (NA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Transport, Road


Document Details:

A permanent Committee, Coper 1, has been set up by the ASECAP Steering Committee members to monitor developments and questions about tolling issues: financing of the infrastructure, ETC interoperability, tariff, etc.

This committee is chaired by Jean Mesqui, ASFA Executive Director. Members of the Coper 1 Committee are representatives from AISCAT, ASETA, ASFINAG, BRISA, TEO, DARS. Within the scope of the work undertaken by this committee, a study has been carried out amongst ASECAP members in order to have an overview of toll tariff calculation.

The information was collected through a questionnaire prepared by the Coper 1 members. Fifteen countries answered the questionnaires: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

The report highlights the following points:

  • toll tariffs are fixed by the States, most of the time based on concessionaire proposals. In the United Kingdom
  • the M6 Toll concessionaire is the only company free to fix its own tariff policy;
  • toll tariffs are applied according to vehicle classification schemes which are different amongst ASECAP members;
  • concessionaires are not free to apply variable pricing except in Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom (and
  • Morocco). For other ASECAP countries, either it does not exist or it is regulated;
  • VAT is applied in all ASECAP countries except in Norway. The rate varies amongst these countries.
  • The description of the toll tariff calculation as well as the tariff policy by country is shown below.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Transport.

Ref: Toll tariff calculation publ 2006

Updated: October 25, 2021