Title: Private Participation in Renewable Energy Database

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Institution

Published: September 4, 2021

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Energy and Power

Keywords: Energy and Power, Energy and Power PPPs **

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Document Details:

As concerns in developing countries grow regarding energy security, climate change and pollution, renewable energy is increasingly seen as part of the solution. To catalyze renewable development, these countries often seek to leverage private sector capital and expertise.

This website collects data on private participation in renewable energy in developing countries. It is part of the PPI Database and applies the same research methodology. The renewable energy section provides researchers with detailed, renewable-specific information on over 900 projects that were implemented between 1993 and 2012. The PPI Database is a flagship World Bank knowledge product widely used in research and analyses of infrastructure development. The purpose is to inform stakeholders on key trends regarding private in the renewable energy sector. Starting in 2012, the renewable energy section also covers captive facilities as well projects in the pipeline. Some of the key features of the data include:

Project Development Stage — i) Financial Closure: projects that have reached financial closure since 1993.
ii) Pipeline: projects up to two years before expected commissioning since 2012.

Project level data — Key financial and contractual details, sources of funding, commissioning year, debt:equity ratio, main sources of revenue, project sponsors and project status for individual projects.

Overview — The website presents brief snapshots of 2012 data by country, region or technology, including descriptions of the main investment trends, top projects and sponsors as well as renewable energy policy support.

Customized Data — Advanced search functions to identify projects based on 17 variables, including technology, country income level as well as sponsor details, and ability to export the results in spreadsheet format.

Renewable Energy Policy Support — Easy access to the main indicators of the renewable energy enabling environment as well as relevant country policies such as feed-in-tariffs.

Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) — Key information on the public and private aspects of PPP projects.

The database relies on public sources which in most cases provide a good picture of contracts. However, in some cases they may not be accurate or contain all the required information. In such cases, the database reports the project data which seems to be the most accurate. When unable to obtain more information, projects are included with the limited information available. Some projects (particularly those involving local and small scale operators) tend to be omitted because they are usually not reported by the sources on which the PPI Database relies. 

Updated: October 25, 2021