Title: PPP Unit Montenegro

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Laws and Regulations

Published: June 15, 2021

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Montenegro

Topic: Legal Framework, PPP Unit

Keywords: Legal Framework *, PPP Regulation **, PPP Law ***, PPP Unit *

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

In the absence of a PPP unit, the Commission on Concessions within the Ministry of Economy has a general oversight function

Document Details:

The publication, PPP Units and Related Institutional Framework, has been prepared by European PPP Expertise Centre and contributes to the Western Balkans Investment Framework’s initiative on “PPP Institutional Strengthening in the Western Balkans”. It responds to the need to understand the institutional structures that support PPPs in the countries of the Western Balkans. The main objective of this report is to provide a general overview of the PPP institutional and legal framework in Montenegro. The report is structured as follows: Section 2 provides an overview of the Montenegrin PPP market; Section 3 sets out the role of the key public sector entities in PPPs; Section 4 describes the policy and legal framework for PPPs; and Section 5 outlines the PPP project cycle and describes the participants and their roles and responsibilities in the award of user-pay PPP contracts.

Updated: February 16, 2022