Title: Attachment 15 denominated Specified Requirements

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: North America (NA)

Country: United States

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Procurement, Concession


Document Details:

Reference: Eagle Project Concession Agreement between the Regional Transportation District (RTD) and Denver Transit Partners (DTP)

This is a concession and lease agreement for (i) the design and construction of the Commuter Rail Projects and the Commuter Rail Maintenance Facility, (ii) the procurement and installation of the DUS Systems, (iii) the procurement of the Rolling Stock, (iv) the operation of the Commuter Rail Services and the operation and maintenance of the Commuter Rail Network and the Rolling Stock and (v) the grant by RTD of a concession and lease in relation to dispatch of all Heavy Rail Movements (the Eagle Project) by a private sector party.

This contract provides the obligation to subcontract disadvantaged business enterprises and small and medium enterprises (DBE/SBE Requirements 22.4; SBE Requirements 29.23). The Attachment 15 denominated Specified Requirements covers every aspect of this obligation from the definitions to minimum thresholds.

Related Information:

Tracking Reference:

Attachment 15 denominated Specified Requirements _EN

Updated: March 28, 2021