Title: Bases integradas de la Licitación Pública No. 001-2012-MML/IMPL para la Concesión del Servicio Público de transporte de Pasajeros en los Corredores Complementarios 1, 4, y 5 del Sistema Integrado de Transporte de Lima.

Languages: Spanish

Published: July 1, 2013

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Peru

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Parties, Sector, Private Sector, Procurement, Local content, Bus rapid transit


Document Details:

These are the Terms of Reference for the concession of a Public Transportation Integrated System (SIT, by its acronym in Spanish) of Lima on 5 complementary corridors.

According to the TOR, the SIT issued guidelines relating to the priority inclusion of current operators. The list of current operators includes: authorized enterprises; vehicle owners, drivers and collectors.

This principle materializes two ways, by imposing a minimum number of existing vehicles for the prequalification phase (Clause 5.9.2); and by assigning a higher score to those bidders that were already operating on the corridors which are part of the concession (Clause 5.9.3).

Related Information:


Tracking Reference:

Concesión del Servicio Público de transporte de Pasajeros en los Corredores Complementarios 1, 4, y 5 del Sistema Integrado de Transporte de Lima_ES_2013

Updated: February 2, 2021