Title: Welfare Impacts of Electricity Generation Sector Reform in the Philippines

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2003

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Philippines

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Legal Framework *



Welfare Impacts of Electricity Generation Sector Reform in the Philippines557.28 KB

Document Details:

Asian Development Bank

This paper reports an empirical investigation into the welfare impacts of introduction of private sector participation into the Philippine electricity generation sector, through liberalization of the market for independent power producers (IPPs) during the power crisis of 1990-1993. This study uses a social cost and benefit analysis. The main benefits came from IPPs, which contributed to resolving the crisis and promoted economic and social development. Consumers and investors are net gainers, while the government lost and an air pollution cost was incurred. The paper concludes that reform with private sector participation increased social welfare.


Related Information:

Energy and Power PPPs

Energy Licenses & Licensing

Energy Law and Regulation

Energy & Power Agreements

Rural Electrification Funds



Tracking Number: Welfare Impacts of Energy Generation Reform Philippines_2003_EN

Updated: March 21, 2021