Title: Valuing Infrastructure Spend: Supplementary Guidance to The Green Book (UK. 2015a)
Language: English
Type: Website
Nature: Government Website
Published: March 27, 2022
Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Country: United Kingdom
Topic: PPP Reference Guide
Keywords: PPP Framework ***, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **
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Document Summary:
Valuing Infrastructure Spend
Supplementary Guidance to the Green BookAuthor: HM Treasury, Infrastructure UK
Document Details:
To ensure that the UK’s economic infrastructure is able to fulfil its purpose, in facilitating the operation of our society and economy, this document supports effective decision-making in relation to infrastructure spending and interventions that involve the use of public money or have a societal impact. To do so it focuses on characteristics and impacts (or outcomes) that may be of particular relevance to infrastructure in order to maximise value for money.
Updated: June 27, 2022
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