Title: Tender Document and Model PPA: 2010 Wind Power Projects

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document, Website

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Uruguay

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Climate Smart, Renewable Energy, Energy and Power, Energy and Power PPPs **


Document Summary:

Los siguientes documentos fueron publicados en el sitio web de UTE en el periodo en el cual estuvo abierta la presentación de ofertas a la contratación directa K 39607. Fueron válidos para este procedimiento.

Document Details:

English: The following documents were published on the website of UTE in the period which was open tendering to direct recruitment K 39607. They were valid for this procedure.

Find more @ Energy and Power PPPs and at Climate-Smart PPPs

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Updated: July 6, 2022