Title: State aid: Commission adopts Guidelines for broadband networks

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Government Website

Published: September 19, 2021

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Telecom and ICT

Keywords: Telecom and ICT, Information & Communication Technology PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Details:

Brussels, 17 th September 2009

State aid: Commission adopts Guidelines for broadband networks

The European Commission has adopted Guidelines on the application of EC Treaty state aid rules to the public funding of broadband networks. The Guidelines provide a clear and predictable framework for stakeholders and will help Member States to accelerate and extend broadband deployment. The Guidelines also contain specific provisions concerning the deployment of Next Generation Access networks, allowing public support to foster investment in this strategic sector without creating undue distortions of competition. The Guidelines take account of comments received during a public consultation (see IP/09/813 ).

Updated: October 25, 2021