Title: Rural Water Supply in the Philippines – Volume I “Design Manual”

Contributor: NULL

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Philippines

Sectors: Water and Sanitation

Topics: Pro-poor

Keywords: Sector, Operation and Maintenance, Municipal


Document Details:

The Rural Water Supply – Volume I “Design Manual” is the first of three volumes from the Small Water Providers Work for the Poor project funded by the Water Partnership Program that provides key concepts and guidance in the design of small waterworks facilities in the Philippines. This manual is a ready resource for owners, operators, technical staff, consultants, government planners and contractors. It also aims to provide assistance to non-technical readers involved in the management and operation of small water supply systems. Its overarching goal is to help these groups to better understand the nature of the water supply business, its responsibilities to stakeholders, and the role of government agencies and regulatory bodies toward sustainable operations. It also itends to facilitate participation in the planning and decision-making of more effective water systems in rural areas and small towns in the Philippines. The handbook is well-received by stakeholders. Endorsed by the President of the Philippines, it was widely distributed on March 22, 2012 during a World Water Day event in Manila involving high-level officials and the World Bank's Country Director. The Government is supporting further dissemination efforts.


Click here for link to SlideShow on Rural Water System in the Philippines.


To learn more about this sector, visit Water and Sanitation Public-Private Partnerships.

Updated: August 25, 2020