Title: Resilient Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Contracts and Procurement – The Case of Japan
Language: English
Type: Document
Nature: Case Study
Published: December 1, 2017
Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)
Country: Japan
Topic: Climate-Smart
Keywords: PPPs by Topic *, Climate Smart **, Japan
Document Link(s):
Document Summary:
The World Bank’s Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF), and the Tokyo Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Hub, and the Public-Private Advisory Facility (PPIAF) have started to initiate country reports on how disaster risk management and climate change impacts are being addressed in PPP frameworks and projects. The reports are based on a review of PPP policies, legislation and contracts as well as lessons learned and recommendations for further measures.
Document Details:
Resilient Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Contracts and Procurement – The Case of Japan
Updated: July 29, 2024