Title: Report on Next Generation Access - Economic Analysis and Regulatory Principles

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Telecom and ICT

Keywords: Legal Framework *


ERG: Report on Next Generation Access - Economic Analysis and Regulatory Principles1.93 MB

Document Summary:

This ERG Report “Next Generation Access – Economic Analysis and Regulatory Principles” is a follow up document of the October 2007 Common Position on NGA (ERG CP NGA) looking at the economic and regulatory analysis in light of ongoing roll-out, the draft NGA Recommendation and more recent economic studies including the ERG Statement on the development of NGN Access, ERG (08) 68, December 2008. It is a report examining the latest evidence on NGA roll-out strategies (including cable) as well as regulatory approaches being announced or implemented across Europe by ERG members since the adoption of the ERG CP NGA to ensure that the original conclusions remain valid and fit-for purpose for national regulators to follow and take account of the latest developments. It also explores some new issues which may later be picked up again. 

Document Details:

Since October 2007, there have been a large variety of roll-out strategies being announced or implemented across Europe which some NRAs have had to address. The ERG considers it timely to examine the latest evidence to ensure that the original conclusions remain valid and fit-for purpose for national regulators to follow and take account of the latest developments. Specifically, in this document ERG re-examines the economic analysis and regulatory implica-tions in light of:

  • information on the ongoing NGA rollouts (including cable) in Member States;
  • the more recent economic studies and academic literature that has been undertaken;
  •  the regulatory approaches that have been announced and put into practice by ERG Mem-bers since the adoption of the ERG CP NGA;
  • the debate that has arisen in relation to the European Commission‟s plan for the a forth-coming NGAN recommendation; and
  • the current debate on the Regulatory Framework Review and more generally on Broad-band strategies both at national and European levels.

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Updated: September 28, 2021