Title: Public Private Partnerships – Promoting Gender Equity, The Gender and Growth Assessment for Uganda

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Uganda

Topics: Gender Impact

Keywords: Equity



Promoting Gender Equity: The Gender and Growth Assessment for Uganda184.97 KB

Document Details:

Gender Entrepreneurship Markets (GEM) initiative of the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Summary of the results of a Gender and Growth Assessment (GGA) that was undertaken at the request of Uganda's Minister of Finance and sought to find out the constraints Ugandan women entrepreneurs face. The GGA identified specific legal and administrative barriers to investment that have a gender dimension and suggested that Uganda could gain as much as 2% growth per annum by addressing gender inequalities. Some key constraints for female entrepreneurs were barriers to formalization of a business, land allocation practices, especially in relation to access to credit, barriers in using non-land assets as collateral, lack of information about legal rights and access to mechanisms to enforce them. GGA recommendations have been incorporated into Uganda’s Medium Term Competitiveness Strategy 2005- 2009 and the National Gender Strategy 2005 – 2014. 

The GGA Approach was developed as a tool by the GEM Initiative - launched by the IFC in December 2004 - to assist governments to mainstream gender issues in their private sector development strategies. The program aims to mainstream gender issues into all dimensions of IFC’s work, while at the same time helping to better leverage the untapped potential of women as well as men in emerging markets. 


Related Information: 

Gender-Responsive Legal Framework


Updated: March 30, 2021