Title: Public Private Partnership: National Treasury PPP Practice Notes issued in terms of the Public Finance Management Act

Contributor: NULL

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: South Africa

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Legal Framework *, Risk, Legal issues, Preparation, Implementation, Feasibility study, Contract management, SMEs


Document Details:

National Treasury’s PPP Manual is a systematically guide to public and private parties through the phases of the regulated PPP project cycle for national and provincial government, unpacking policy and providing procedural clarity as it does so. It draws on South African project experience to date and on best international practice, without infringing on the authority of accounting officers and authorities. It sets rigorous risk-assessment standards by which government will make affordable project choices that best leverage private investment for quality public services. Importantly, the PPP Manual contains a code that will go a long way to achieving broad-based black economic empowerment in PPPs, not only in the equity and management of the contracted private parties, but in their subcontracting and in the projects’ local socio-economic impacts.

Ref #: SouthAfricanManual

Updated: October 25, 2021