Title: Programa de Normas y Etiquetado de Eficiencia Energética de Panamá – Productos de Iluminación

Language: Spanish

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2018

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Panama

Sector: Energy and Power

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Energy and Power


Document Summary:

Panama Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program – Lighting Products (in Spanish)

Document Details:

According to the ToR, the objective of the consultancy is to support the Government of Panama (GdP) in the evaluation and validation of the projects of technical standards (NT) and technical regulations (RT) for lighting products, which are currently in development, in particular with respect to its scope, structure and alignment with other national and international standards and regulations, through the following specific activities: • Provide a summary of energy efficiency standards and regulations for lighting products in Mexico, the US and the European Union; • Submit to the main government entities involved (SNE, MICI, CGIEE, Energy Efficiency Sector Committee) an outline of the objective, the proposed methodology and the scope of the consultancy, including a general description of the reference standards and regulations for lighting products from Mexico, the US and the European Union; • Provide an analysis of the current draft NT/RT project for lighting products under development, and • Submit proposals regarding: (i) scope of the NT/RT, (ii) appropriate measurement standards, (iii) minimum energy performance limits, (iv) harmonization and alignment, respectively, with other standards and national or international regulations, (v) conformity assessment procedures, (vi) the design, content and placement of a label for lighting products, and (vii) the technical and editorial integrity of the document.

Updated: April 12, 2022