Title: Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 67 Tahun 2005.

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Government Website

Published: January 1, 2005

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Indonesia

Keywords: PPP Framework ***, PPP Cycle ***, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

Chapter IV states that unsolicited proposals will be accepted for projects not already on a priority list, and briefly outlines the process and procurement approach. The English version of regulation 56 is available on Bappenas’s website, 

Document Details:

ID. 2005. Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 67 Tahun 2005. Jakarta: President of the Republic of Indonesia. [#4278]

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Updated: June 27, 2022