Title: Nepal Guideline for Tariff Approval for Telecommunications Services

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Guidelines

Published: March 3, 2021

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Nepal

Sector: Telecom and ICT

Keywords: Telecom and ICT, Information & Communication Technology PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

This Guideline for tariff approval regime is established pursuant to Section 52 (b) of the Telecommunications Act, 2053 (1997) to achieve the purpose laid down in the section 42 of the Act.

This Guideline for tariff approval establishes the policy objectives and the regulatory principles to be applied for the approval of tariff to be charged and any changes thereof for services provided by licensed network operators and service providers in Nepal.

In particular, this Guideline sets out the operational guidelines and principles to govern the tariff approval process.

Document Details:

NTA has issued licenses to a number of network operators and service providers of different telecommunications services. In order to establish and maintain fair competition between licensed network operators and service providers, prevent cross subsidizing, promote entry of network operators and service providers, and promote the introduction of telecommunications services which are available and affordable for people and businesses throughout Nepal, tariff regulation is essential.

Within the terms of this Guideline, from time to time and as a need arises, Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) will issue detailed determinations covering aspects of the implementation of the principles set out in this document.

Find more at Telecommunications / Information & Communication Technology PPPs

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Updated: October 25, 2021