Title: National Electrification Program (NEP) 2.0: Integrated Planning for Universal Access, 2019

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2019

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Ethiopia

Sector: Energy and Power

Topic: Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Keywords: PPPs by Topic *, Ethiopia, Fragile and Conflict-Affected States - FCS, Universal Access / Universal Service

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The NEP is an action plan launched in 2017 for achieving universal electricity access nationwide by 2025. By 2025, the plan is for 65 percent of the population to have electricity through the grid, and the other 35 percent through off-grid technologies - stand-alone solar systems and mini-grids.

Document Details:

This document, named NEP 2.0, is an updated version following the release of the NEP in 2017. The Govern- ment expressed its commitment to steadily update the electrification targets and timetables based on new analytics and progress on the ground. The fol- lowing new analytics have become available as well as implementation progress and lessons learned over the first year of implementation:

  • Multi-Tier framework global energy access survey pro- vided a more accurate baseline assessment of the access outlook in the country.
  • Geo-spatial analysis and map reflecting the digitized location of the existing MV network and the proximity to and density of the population, which allowed for the update of the costing of the grid pro- gram and informed the sizing, costing, and imple- mentation mechanism for the off-grid program. The geo-spatial analysis also identified the location of roads, distribution channels and payment loca- tions, which have informed the implementation framework for the off-grid program.
  • Implementation framework for the off-grid program based on the strategic drivers identified in the first version of the document.

A High-Level Task Force was established at the MoWIE under the Directorate of Electrification in January 2018 and has since been shaping the design and implementation roadmap of the off- grid program. The off-grid program components— deploying individual solar systems and isolated mini/micro grids as feasible—include providing pre-electrification solutions for those beneficiaries not connected to the grid by 2025 and long-term solutions for those not expected to be connected at least-cost by the distribution network. In addition, the Government acknowledges the possible service delivery of off-grid solutions (market-based) to those communities that are expected to receive a grid connection in the latter years of the grid pro- gram by 2025, for a total expected sizing of the off- grid program of 9.2 million households.