Title: Lessons Learned from Implementation of a Successful PPP Program: #5 Complying With Environmental And Social Performance Standards

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2018

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Uganda

Sector: Energy and Power

Keywords: Knowledge Lab, Renewable Energy


Document Summary:

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programmes financed by international donors are expected to comply with international environmental and social (E&S) standards. A main challenge in the GET FiT Uganda Programme was project developers’ limited experience with international E&S standards, at times also their limited understanding of the Ugandan E&S regulations. Developers were often unable to contextualise and apply standards and regulations to their project-specific setting. Most developers gradually overcame limitations, but not without considerable additional efforts from both developers and the GET FiT Programme. Similar PPP programmes could benefit from modifications to programme design and implementation based on GET FiT Uganda experiences.

Document Details:

GET FiT Uganda is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program managed by KfW in cooperation with the Ugandan Government. The program leverages commercial investment in small-, and medium sized Renewable Energy (RE) projects in Uganda.

Developers were often unable to contextualize and apply standards and regulations to their project-specific setting. Most developers gradually overcame limitations, but not without considerable additional efforts from both developers and the GET FiT Programme. Similar PPP programmes could benefit from modifications to programme design and implementation based on GET FiT Uganda experiences.

Updated: March 8, 2022