Title: Lessons Learned from Implementation of a Successful PPP Program: #1 Leveraging Commercial Investments

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2018

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Uganda

Sector: Energy and Power

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Renewable Energy


Document Summary:

The GET FiT Program is a prototype for a partnership between Government and Development Partners: on one hand a strong commitment from the Government to get sector policy and regulation right and attract private investments; and on the other, an impact-oriented and cost-efficient synergy between Development Partners.

Document Details:

GET FiT Uganda is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program managed by KfW in cooperation with the Ugandan Government. The program leverages commercial investment in small-, and medium sized Renewable Energy (RE) projects in Uganda.

This first Lessons Learned briefing note relates to leveraging investment and working in partnership to achieve financial close on a portfolio of renewable IPPs.

Updated: March 8, 2022