Title: Law No. 30167: PPP Law Modification (Peru)
Language: Spanish
Type: Website
Nature: Government Website
Published: January 1, 2014
Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
Country: Peru
Topic: PPP Reference Guide
Keywords: PPP Framework ***, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **
Document Link(s):
Document Summary:
Law No. 30167: PPP Law Modification (Peru)
Ley No. 30167 que modifica el decreto legislativo 1012
Ley que modifica el decreto legislativo 1012 que aprueba la ley marco de asociaciones público-privadas para la generación de empleo productivo y dicta normas para la agilización de los procesos de promoción de la inversión privada.
Law modifying legislative decree 1012 which approves the framework law for public-private partnerships for the generation of productive employment and dictates norms for the acceleration of processes to promote private investment.
Document Details:
PE. 2014. Ley No. 30167: Ley que Modifica el Decreto Legislativo 1012. Lima: Presidente de la Republica del Peru. [#2419]
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Visit the PPP Online Reference Guide section to find out more.
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Visit the PPP Online Reference Guide section to find out more.